Rugby Borough Council refuses permission for Churchover windfarm!



Residents around Churchover are joyously celebrating after Rugby Borough Council's Planning Committee unanimously refused to grant permission for the proposed wind power station near Churchover.

The Committee toured the site during the afternoon of Wednesday 7th September 2011 and its discussions that evening showed that Councillors considered the environmental harm from the giant turbines would substantially outweigh any benefits from any renewable energy that might be generated.

Councillors were especially concerned about harm to the landscape, unacceptable visual impact upon nearby residents, and damage to the historic buildings and conservation area in Churchover and elsewhere in this part of the Swift Valley. At the meeting other concerns were voiced, especially the objections from Coventry Airport and NATS (National Air Traffic Services) on the grounds of air safety, and from Warwickshire County Council's archaeological specialists who feared damage to the deserted medieval village of Cestersover and associated historic Ridge and Furrow.

A delighted Lorne Smith, leader of the campaign group ASWAR, which seeks to protect rural communities around Rugby from windfarm developments, said yesterday:

It is excellent news that the windfarm has been refused, and we are very grateful to all Councillors, our MP and MEP, and all the residents of the Revel area, for their tremendous support.

He added:

However, winning a great battle is not the same as winning a war. We will continue to remain vigilant. Another Scottish energy company, Scottish Power has recently decided not to appeal against two nearby refusals in the low-wind midlands and we are hopeful that Scottish and Southern Energy will also realise it is not worth wasting more money pursuing the destruction of the lives of this tiny but important community and one of Warwickshire’s historic beauty spots.