Swift Wind Farm

The Upper Swift Valley and the surrounding villages of Churchover and Cotesbach continue to be under siege ...

McAlpine/RES have legally up to October 24th 2014 to appeal the turbines local rejection decision, which would extend the time that NATS have to find a technical mitigation to its voice comms objection. 

Following the Rugby Borough Council Officers and planning committee Councillors letting down the community and only rejecting the turbines on the NATS objection, unless the CLG Secretary Eric Pickles calls-in any appeal, ASWAR and other Rule 6 objectors, will not be allowed to present all the other reasons, supported by English Heritage etc. at the appeal and permission for the turbines is likely to be nodded through by the Inspector. 

ASWAR is therefore preparing to lobby Pickles and has gained the support of local MP Mark Pawsey in that lobbying process.

Below is a map of the four turbine proposal that RES, a subsidiary of the massive McAlpine Group, (who were accused by the BBC's Panorama of setting-up the illegal blacklist in the building trade) has registered  in the Warwickshire heritage beauty spot of the Upper Swift Valley, to the North of the historical heritage, conservation village of Churchover and west of Leicestershire's hamlet of Cotesbach.

Expected location of Swift Wind Farm