Copston Magna wind turbines proposal

There was another proposal for industrial wind turbines within the Rugby Borough area at Copston Magna.

The propsal was for six turbines, each with a maximum height of 125m (80m to hub height and 45m blades). The maximum output for each turbine is stated as 2.5MW.


The latest situation is that the temporary meteorological mast erected to measure wind speed data was dismantled at the end of 2012 after two years. 
Durind this the two year period after the erection of the mast, the developer SLP went into receivership. They were acquired by a Dutch company called Smulders. Since then Smulders or its Dutch equivalent have also gone into receivership. A company from the far east based in Singapore who specialise in off shore/oceanic structures rather than on shore has now acquired SLP, though that of course does not mean necessarily that they will not consider on shore wind farms as part of their portfolio.
However at the time of the 'Scoping Report' for the proposed wind turbines at Copston Magna, Coventry Airport as one of the statutory consultees stated they would have no objection to the meteorological mast but should an application for the proposed turbines be submitted they would have “Significant Concerns for Air Safety at Coventry Airport”.
Campaigners at Copston Magna have now "heard" that the landowner (Wells of Burbidge) no longer intends to pursue the development.


Copston Magna continue to have an active Windfarm Action Group and Parish Meeting with whom ASWAR is cooperating.

To get in touch with them to offer your support and help, please contact:

  • Rachel Holloway (chairman of Copston Magna Windfarm Action Group)
    Telephone: 01455 220788

Below is a map showing the location of the now hopefully defunct proposal for six 125m high wind turbines.

A map of the Copston Magna windfarm proposal