Noise & Health

Breaking News! Dec 2013 -  Wind Industry skullduggery exposed on front page of Daily Telegraph.

Three Midlands scientists, Richard Cox, David Unwin and Trevor Sherman have written a report for the Spectator Matt Ridley prize that exposes the next major health scandal to break.

It can be read here and is all about the way the noise regulations governing the wind industry have been rigged by vested interests and is one of the great public health scandals of our time.

It follows up a paper published in the Acoustics Bulletin in Spring 2013: Greenough, R. and Unwin, D. (2013)  A neglected source of uncertainty in potential wind farm noise assessment using the ETSU-R-97 process,           Acoustics Bulletin, Vol. 38(3), pages36-42. Click here to read this paper    

Breaking Nov 2013 News! -US Senior Court stops turbines at night for health reasons.

see full story

The health facts are not simple and are well documented by independant research, particularly in America, Canada,  Australia and the UK by noted experts showing there is a condition called 'wind turbine syndrome'. 

Watch this YouTube video Click here  and another YouTube video Click here

Although the wind industry denies that industrial wind turbines generate LFN that affects humans, the National Research Council in 2007 stated: “Wind turbines generate a broad spectrum of noise including low frequency noise…which may be audible or inaudible”. In addition in 1999 The World Health Organization stated: “It is widely affirmed that exposure to audible low frequency noise can cause adverse health effects in humans”. 

The opportunist developers want to site turbines based on financial convenience and to recklessly gamble with the health and well being of our rural communities.

There is compelling evidence that wind turbine noise can and does disturb sleep and impair health of those living too close (read a May 2013 letter in 'Round the Revel') and that current guidance is inadequate protection.

The government guidelines on wind turbine noise were written in the mid 1990s (ETSV-R-97) and urgently need updating.  Independant scientists conducted research in 2012 into these guidelines. See their report

It is considered that health experience from existing wind turbines mandates a pre cautionary setback of at least 2kms  in order to avoid disturbance to sleep.

A recent report on health impacts of turbines in Australia can be read here...

A world symposium on the health hazards of windfarms took place in Ontario in October 2010 and in presentation by the foundation upon which the Wind Industry sits... was taken apart and dismantled.  See

ASWAR recommends that Rugby Borough planners be guided by The Society for Wind Vigilance that promotes research for authoritative wind turbine guidelines.

There is another scientific website focused on windfarm health hazards

Other recent scientific papers:-